Many senior employees would like to be promoted to a nice managerial position due to higher earning potential and prestige.
A Management position may be appealing but it comes with huge responsibility , performance and expectations from the managing board.
If you want to be successful manager , you need to know the basic functions and apply them.
These functions were originally cpined by the famous scholar (Henri Fayol) as five main elements, there are now four commonly recognized functions of management that encompass these crucial skills: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
One essential role of a leader is creating a plan to achieve company aims and objectives. This includes allocating employee resources and delegating responsibilities, as well as setting objective timelines and standards for achievement.
Planning requires those in top level management roles to continuously check on their team progress in order to make gradual and instant interventions and adjustments when necessary, while still focusing on a crystal clear picture of a company’s larger aims and objectives.
Much of manager’s planning function consists of working independently to determine what responsibilities must be given to which employees, setting priority levels for certain missions, and creating timelines.
However, communication also plays an important role. For example, managers deal with planning when they meet with the company’s leadership to discuss short-and long-term goals, when they convey the details of a new project to their team or periodically check in to ensure that individual goals are achieved on time.
Along with planning, the organizational skills of a manager can help ensure that a company or a departmental unit runs smoothly. From creating internal processes and structures to knowing which employees or teams are best suited for specific tasks, keeping everyone and everything organized throughout daily operations are important functions of management.
However, organization is not just about delegating tasks efficiently and making sure employees have what they need to accomplish their tasks. Managers also need to be able to reorganize in response to new challenges. This can take effect in the form of a slight adjustment of the project schedule or reallocation of tasks from one team to another. Or it could mean a significant change in the internal structure of the team and its roles in response to the growth of the company.
Managers should be comfortable and confident leading the day-to-day tasks of their team members as well as during periods of great change or challenge. This includes demonstrating a strong sense of direction and leadership when setting goals and communicating new processes, products, services or internal policy.
Leadership can manifest itself in many ways, including recognizing when employees need an extra boost of reinforcement and praise to deal with conflicts between team members fairly and decisively.
Often, managers may act as leaders even during small interpersonal interactions by modeling supportive, encouraging, and motivational qualities.
To ensure that all of the above functions work for the success of the company, managers must constantly monitor the performance of employees, the quality of work, the efficiency and reliability of completed projects. Control (and quality control) in management is about making sure that the final goals of the business are adequately achieved, as well as making any necessary changes when they are not.