EMBA Learning Outcomes


Unit Aims  

The aim of this unit is to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary to create an organizational strategic plan

Learning Outcomes  

  1. Understand the foundations for developing organizational strategy
  2. Understand the external environment affecting organizations
  3. Be able to review an organization’s strategy and business plans
  4. Be able to create strategic options for an organization. How to develop a marketing plan for a specific product or service

Unit Aims  

The learners will develop knowledge, understanding, and skills that will enable them to analyze internal and publicly available financial information. This will help to inform strategic decisions making  

Learning Outcomes  

  1. Understand the importance of financial data in formulating and delivering business strategy
  2. Be able to analyze financial data for an organization to inform strategic decision-making purposes
  3. Be able to evaluate proposals for strategic decisions on capital expenditure in an organization

Unit Aims  

This unit aims to help learners develop their own personal leadership and management skills in the context of the creation and achievement of organizational vision and strategic direction.

Learning Outcomes  


  1. Understand how knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management support the creation and achievement of organizational vision and strategy
  2. Understand how to develop and communicate organizational vision
  3. Be able to manage the development of own personal knowledge and skills in leadership and strategic management to support the achievement of personal and organizational vision and strategy
  4. Be able to reflect on the benefits of personal development in the achievement of personal growth and organizational vision and strategy

Unit Aims  

The aim of this unit is to help learners develop an understanding of how organizational behavior, structure, culture, motivation, creativity and leadership impact on an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency.

Learning Outcomes  

  1. Understand leadership behavior theory and practice
  2. Understand how organizational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organization
  3. Understand how organizations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business opportunities
  4. Understand how organizations can motivate employees to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.

Unit aims

The aim of this unit is to help learners acquire knowledge and understanding of human resource management strategy and its impact on the efficiency of an organization


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the factors affecting human resource management strategies in organizations
  2. Understand how strategic human resource management contributes to the achievement of the strategic plans of organizations
  3. Understand how to prepare human resource management strategies for organizations
  4. Be able to develop a human resource management strategy for an organization

Unit aims

This unit enables learners to develop knowledge and understanding of marketing at a strategic level and how this is applied in practice including developing a marketing strategy.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the principles of strategic marketing
  2. Understand how to carry out a strategic marketing analysis  
  3. Understand the role of customer behavior in marketing strategies
  4. Understand how to develop an implementable marketing plan
  5. Understand how to create a marketing strategy to meet business objectives


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